Jonathan Chang is a TCM doctor with a practice in Beijing and a former student of Wang Ju-Yi. Dr. Wang researched and explored the classics while applying that wisdom to the modern practice of acupuncture. His book, Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine is one of the most popular texts on acupuncture studies worldwide. In this podcast with Lucia Deyi at the TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2024, Jonathan Chang shares experiences from his journey with Dr. Wang.
Chang explains why channel palpation was neglected for a long time in the practice of Chinese Medicine and how Dr. Wang rediscovered its importance when he was a young doctor working in the hospital, examining channel anatomy. Wang concluded that channels and acupoints are the empty spaces, holes or crevices between structures like muscles, tissues, and blood vessels. Upon integrating these findings into practice, Dr. Wang was able to not only improve, but in addition further develop ancient meridian theory for modern clinical contexts.
Jonathan Chang also talks about his teacher’s understanding of Shen disorders. Unfortunately, his remarks on this subject where partly lost due to a technical problem. The interview concludes with comments on De Qi as well as the concept of Yu (郁), which provides an essential context for understanding depression and anxiety from a TCM perspective.
Chang is currently in the final stages of translating another full volume of case studies by Dr. Wang with former apprentice Mei Li into the English language. More information on the work of Dr. Wang’s apprentices can be found via the website of the Institute of Applied Channel Theory here:
More about Applied Channel Theory:
Podcast: “Dialogues on Applied Channel Theory” by Jonathan Chang and Jason Robertson.
Book: Wang Ju-yi, Jason Robertson: Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine: Wang Ju-yi's Lectures on Channel Therapeutics. Eastland Press 2008. ISBN: 9780939616626.
Jonathan Chang graduated from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2012 with a degree in Chinese Medicine. From 2008 to 2017 he studied with Wang Ju-yi in Beijing, and was Dr. Wang’s full-time assistant at the Wang Ju-yi Applied Channel Theory Research Center and Clinic from 2012-2017. He helped compile Wang Ju-yi’s Applied Channel Theory Clinical Case Studies (2014). Along with Mei Li, he is working on an English translation of this book, which will be published by Eastland Press. He was also one of the main contributors to Dr. Wang’s An Introduction to Applied Channel Theory (2016). In August 2013, he was recognized by the Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association and Wang Ju-yi as an apprentice and official instructor of Applied Channel Theory. In 2015, he was recognized as one of Wang Ju-yi’s indoor apprentices. Jonathan is originally from Canada, but has lived in China since 2002. He currently works at the Ling Lan TCM clinic in Beijing and is an instructor at the Wang Ju-yi Applied Channel Theory Research Center.
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